Monday, August 2, 2010

Artwork from summer vacation spots

Even if you have not started your next interior design project, summer is the perfect time to search for decorative items to display in your home.  While on vacation you may come across unique artwork and furnishings from special shops or festivals.  This is a great way to add individuality and personal touches to any room. 

There are many places to find these items such as, antique shops, open markets, seaside shops and summer festivals.  I was out with a friend in Sandwich, MA last week and we visited The Sandwich Antiques Center  These shops included large furniture pieces, paintings and smaller decorative items.  It is lots of fun looking for that diamond in the rough.  Yesterday, my daughter and I visited a small art show in Onset.  They had some beautiful seashore paintings by local artists for sale.  Even walking along the beach or in the woods you can find organic items to enhance your room's comfortable feeling. 

If you have used an interior designer it is still important to use decorative items that mean something to you.  It is what makes your home welcoming.  The paintings, sculptures or keepsakes you find do not need to perfectly match you room's decor.  Also, remember wall art can be anything you would like to display.  For example, old signs, clocks or game boards.  It is always interesting to use a common item in a new and different way.

Putting together your custom designed space includes items you have collected from traveling or favorite summer hangouts.  It is important to have your personality included in your beautifully decorated home, and artwork is a great way to accomplish that individuality.

Dotty Wyman is the principal designer at

1 comment:

  1. hi there..nice blog..
    Ill also want to share info for people who loves to collect antiques and artistic designs..
    especially when in vacations..
    Property Sunshine Coast has all the shops that have collections that you are looking for and things that you can see for the first time..
    Hope you can buy what you want there....
