Lately, I have done some accessories shopping for clients as well as myself (blogged dining room project). It can be a challenge to find just the right items to complete a room's design and add some of your own personality. Rules I try to follow are; if you have many accessories in a room they should look like you have collected them over time, and a more modern or contemporary room may only have a few accessories and each single item should add significant impact.
Shopping this trip has taken me to Wellesley, Newton and Natick. One client was looking for kitchen and family room accessories. We had luck finding a large cutting board and cheese dome to sit on her large island at Pottery Barn. We also found, at Pottery Barn, some great glass candle holders with moss for her family room coffee table. The pillar candles are wrapped in birch bark which add an organic element to the room. This is a large space with a vaulted ceiling and required a substantial grouping of items. Some other places we visited were Crate and Barrel and Bloomingdales. No purchases at either, but they have some great items. I was surprised that the prices at both are fairly reasonable.
Decorative cutting board on kitchen island |
Grouping of birch bark wrapped candles and moss in
large hurricane holder |
Artwork is another way to add layers and presonnality to a room. Oil paintings and orignal art can be expensive, but add a tremendous amount of uniqueness and interest to a room. Paintings help to fill in the open spaces of large walls. They add height and color and keep your eyes moving around the room. Below is a painting we selected from the Renjeau Gallery in Natick.
Oil painting above fireplace mantel |
Once you have your most important accessories in place, you can find additional items at discount stores. It takes a little extra time to poke around and uncover the choice items, but you can save some money. Accessorizing can be hard work, but it is worth the effort. A room will not look complete until those last few items are in place. Good luck accessorizing the next room in your home.